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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Catching Up.....

Busy, busy week!

The golf tournament was a huge success! 
We had 17 golfers and between the golf, mulligans & raffle we raised $607!!! Thank you to a special couple who put all of this together for us - we would have never been able to do this without you! Thank you to everyone who came out to support our adoption by hitting a few balls around :) on a hot day!!! Thanks to our raffle basket sponsors also! Thanks to a special guest friend (with little one all dapper in his golf outfit) who not only sponsored a basket but came by to offer more support both moral and monetary by purchasing Anthony hugs worth of raffle tickets! More thanks especially to those family members who came from VA & NY to add lots more support!!! A great day indeed and big brother Anthony loved riding around the golf cart with Momma!!!

Afghan Winner!!
We have a beautiful afghan that goes to Christina M. - Thank you to all who donated money to our Reece's Rainbow account or shared our raffle on FB. Anthony picked one ticket out of all the tickets and Christina is the owner of a beautiful handmade afghan! 

Both Hands
More news on the Pellegrino efforts....we have a widow!!! She is a very sweet elderly woman who lost her husband 27 years ago. We are working on the details now and it looks like her repairs are very specialized - soooooo if you know of any contractors, please send them our way!! We also desperately need people to mail letters out sharing this great program. The widows home is very small and we don't have enough room for lots of people to lend the hammer hand but we need to send at least 600 letters out to make this a success! Please consider helping us send letters out - the worse case scenario is the receiver will toss the letter - the best case is that they will be touched about how all of these hands are working together to help a widow and an orphan....

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this:
to visit orphans and widows in their affliction.” James 1:27

Travel update: the visa office in Gabriel's city is moving and will be closed for the mid August travel date so it looks like we (did I tell you my friend & neighbor Donna is joining me on this incredible trip) will be traveling at the end of August! We don't know just yet but it looks that way.

Matching Grant
Fundraising update: We were able to raise $150 though the Reece's Rainbow account when we announced the matching grant - so although we didn't reach the goal - the $150 is being doubled this week! Reece's Rainbow will be $950!!!! 

I think that is it for now....please, please keep us in your prayers as we help this widow out!!
For Him....

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