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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Travel dates

YAY!!! YAY!!!!! YAY!!!!!

We were not expecting to get our consulate appointment date until the 23rd but it came this past Tuesday!!! So me and my trusty travel partner will be heading to China on Friday the 6th while Dadda holds down the fort and our two little ones until we return on Saturday the 20th! So excited!!!

We have been busy moving bedrooms around, getting mattresses, getting booster seats, getting this and that and TWO of this and that!!!! One month from today I will be landing on US soil with two more sons - once we hit that ground they are US citizens (yup, gonna cry like I did the first two times)! One month seems so far away but I have to remember that it under two weeks we will be leaving......LESS THAN TWO WEEKS? I have ALOT to do - gotta go!!!

(please pray for the adjustment of our family especially these two boys who have only experienced life in an orphanage and are about to leave everything they know behind)

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Love, love, love is in the air!!

Meet our sons is more like it!!!! Thanks to an incredible young man Robert  - not only an advocate for many orphaned children but really one of the most amazing young men I have ever - actually - not met. Robert posted the above pictures on February 14th, 2014 - yes, Valentine's Day last year when I first fell in love with these boys - and just one day before Valentine's Day this year we received our travel approvals for these two handsome boys (probably because Valentines Day this year was a Saturday and we wouldn't get anything on our adoption process on a Saturday)! Yes, yes, yes - God works in amazing ways and handed us - not one, but two valentine gifts two years in a row! (by the way, our first two boys had the significance of Labor day for Gotcha days)! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE is definitely in the air!!!

With all of the holidays next week - President's Day and the Chinese New Year - we will not be able to hear from the US consulate in China about our appointments until February 23rd for either a March 6th or March 13th departure date!!!! By the way after much praying, it was March 12th last year when we finally locked in these two boys with our agency! I will be meeting our sons for the first time on either March 9th or March 16th. And by the way, Anthony was telling everyone that his brothers were coming home on March 21st (we never indicated any dates with him) and he could be right if we get the first gotcha day and the middle choice of consulate appointments! (and he is beyond excited to be getting two more brothers and that he and Matthew will both be the middle brothers while he is both an older brother and a younger brother)!!!!!

Deep breathe!!!!! So while we wait to hear from the consulate, we are getting ready for our boys. This Momma is doing a lot of nesting! We are enjoying the semi- quietness of the house (as compared to having four boys over two) and we are just feeling so grateful for so many people who have prayed for us, prayed with us and helped support the financial end of the process (and don't forget those who listened to me go on and on about nothing whenever I was (am) full of excitement over these boys). We are eternally grateful! We are so glad that each and every one of you have joined us in this amazing journey. 

Now, I need to go do something that has to do with these boys coming home (aka - nesting) but I ask for prayer for the third boy who we prayed over, the third boy who was posted on the same Valentine's Day as our boys were, the boy we couldn't take home - please pray that his family found him or finds him very soon - thank you and God Bless you!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The excitement, the anticipation, the just everything.....

Can't help but share the cuteness first!!!! Here are our boys just a few days ago:

With these pictures we also received a vague update that includes how Michael is outgoing and good at communicating with others. He also likes learning and playing. We are told that Matthew is very active and has a strong athletic ability. He likes sports and playing games.

We also wanted to share a little bit of the very sweet letters that our boys wrote us after we sent them a care package that included photo albums for each of them.

From Michael
Daddy and Mommy, and little two brothers. Hi, I really like that you sent me the toys. I really like it because I saw the camera, photo's, toys and books. "Matthew" and I have been friends for many years. Daddy and Mommy, how long have you been teachers? I hope you are waiting for me and "Matthew' in the USA. Do you say the pledge of allegiance to the flag every Monday? In China we raise the flag every Monday morning. 
(then he shares about another friend he has).

From Matthew:
Daddy, Mommy and 2 little brothers. Hello! I really like you sending me the toys and camera. "Michael" and I are best friends. If we become family and brothers can we be best friends? Ok? I really like you and mom. Me and "Michael" both like this family - mommy, daddy and two brothers. I love you guys. 
(then he shares about his friend other as well). 

So many very exciting things happening! We received our Article 5 last week and are really so close to getting our travel approval. From that point we request a consulate appointment and we generally travel about two weeks after travel approval!!!!!!!!! So far we are still looking at early March. Chinese New Year is February 19th and everything pretty much closes from about President's day (16th) through the end of February. We would need to have our travel approval and consulate appointment scheduled before everything closes. This is VERY POSSIBLE.

It was funny today when I was putting out a snack that includes pepperoni which the boys love. Anthony especially loves to be very dramatic about eating a hot piece of pepperoni. He likes to hang his tongue out of his mouth and put his hands around his neck. It's quite the performance - every time. I was laughing about how he is going to show that to his older brothers. I told him how his older brothers won't know a lot of English so how did he think he would tell them the pepperoni was hot - sure enough he did the act. We can not wait for all of these brothers to get together! And Gabriel repeats a lot of what Anthony says so we were laughing about how in the world was he going to repeat what three older brothers were saying!!! It is so close!!!! Sooooo close! Soon these boys who are already in our hearts will be in our arms! The excitement, the anticipation, the just everything is just so overwhelming, so unbelievable, so everything - the best of the best that life has to offer is in these four beautiful boys. We are so grateful to everyone who has stood by us in these decisions, to everyone who has so generously supported us, to everyone who has continuously prayed for us and although we all know that the opportunity to adopt starts out with pain and loss for the child and the families, we are grateful to God for asking us to be their Momma and Dadda.

Please pray for those who don't have someone to call Momma and Dadda......there are just too many out there - even one is too many and there are millions of too many's!